Public Deliverables are listed as they are approved

D2.1 System modelling of distributed and node intelligence: initial common strategy

D1.2 IPR requirements

D8.2 Detailed plan for dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activities

D8.3 Data Management Plan

D7.1 Functional requirements for the selected scenarios

D7.7 Ethical training workshop for researchers and staff

D7.8 Dissemination of informed consent sheets to participants of study 01

D8.4 Dissemination of first year project reports and publications

D8.9 First update plan for dissemination and exploitation of results incl. communication activities

D10.1 Report on Portfolio activities 01

D2.2 Probabilistic node intelligence.: proof of concept on simulation level

D6.1 Behavioural biometrics based authentication software system design

D3.1 Data-driven model library for sensor networks

D4.1 Passive localization and tracking validation in multiple scenarios

D5.1 Map of light and in-situ characterization of PV cells

D7.9 Dissemination of informed consent sheets to participants of study 02

D5.2 Characterization of TEGS in the lab and across the building D8.5 Dissemination of second year project reports and publications

D8.7 Update on Data Management Plan

D8.10 Second update plan for dissemination and exploitation of results incl. communication activities D10.2 Report on Portfolio activities 02

D1.4 Technical/scientific review meeting 2 documents

D7.4 Localization and tracking accuracy benchmark test and prototype for C0

D6.2 Behavioural biometrics based authentication hardware system

D4.2 Large space sensing architecture and specification through LoRa technology

D7.10 Dissemination of informed consent sheets to participants of study 03

D7.11 Delete consent forms for study 01

D2.3 RISC-V custom core with embedded probabilistic accelerator: design strategy

D5.3 Design, implementation, and test of the RF energy harvesters

D7.3 Application scenarios, business plan, road map: use of the new technology

D3.2 Distributed learning framework

D7.5 Gesture recognition accuracy benchmark test and prototype for C1

D3.3 Probabilistic communication and computation system

D4.3 Room-level human activity and vital sign monitoring via WiFi

D6.3 Garbled circuits protocol for reconfigurable circuit hardware

D7.2 Results from the appropriation study and market analysis

D8.6 Dissemination of third year project reports and publications

D8.11 Third update plan for dissemination and exploitation of results incl. communication activities

D7.12 Delete consent forms for study 02

D1.5 Technical/scientific review meeting 3 documents

D2.4 Probabilistic node intellligence: proof of concept on custom hardware level

D3.4 Comparative analysis of results

D4.4 RIS surface prototype and validation for sensing and communication

D5.4 Power supply of the sensor nodes

D6.4 Homomorphic encryption for physical-layer probabilistic communication

D7.6 Self-healing and autonomous error detection test and prototype for C2

D7.13 Delete consent forms for study 03 D8.8 Final update on Data Management Plan

D8.12 Evaluation results of the press appearances and social media repercussion

D8.13 Technology to market transition plan and results on the exploitation

D10.3 Report on Portfolio activities 03